Hei dere! Var det noen som var våken i natt? Eller våknet dere like overrasket som meg? Det var ikke avgjort hvem som skulle bli USAs neste president da jeg våknet klokka halv seks i morrest, men det var allerede gjort ganske klart hva utfallet kom til å bli. Jeg må si at jeg mildt sagt ble sjokkert. Jeg hadde virkelig trodd at Clinton kom til å dra i land seieren til slutt. Jeg var helt bombesikker. Men der tok jeg sannelig feil. Vel, det amerikanske folket har talt og jeg går ut fra at flertallet er fornøyd med resultatet. Nå er det ikke annet å gjøre enn å vente og se hva Trump har å komme med. Og hvem vet, kanskje han har mer i skallen enn han har gitt uttrykk for. Jeg har i alle fall tenkt å gi fyren en sjanse, så håper jeg bare at jeg slipper å våkne til tredje verdenskrig i løpet av de årene han blir sittende som verdens mektigste mann. Så blir det vel Kanye neste gang da, gledingz til det.
Hvilke tanker har dere rundt valget? Happy or not?
Oh, Math. Come’on…
>>> https://www.reddit.com/u/EugeneZavidovsky
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FPuLNjvAc
helt sykt at han ble president 🙁
Blir ikke ny president neste år, fire år til det…
Jo jeg har faktisk troa, skjønner ikke at alle er så negative
Jeg er glad resultater… Den enkleste måten å bli lykkelig
No one is perfect,so lets have no one for president.
I’m actually a bit disheartened by these comments. From what I’ve gathered many people around the world feel scared and from what I see here some do not care, which is natural when it might not affect you. But I think that you should care and should pay attention these issues developing in the U.S., as well as the consequences that it has for everyone in the world. Trump built his platform on hateful rhetoric that was misogynist, xenophobic, and racist among other things. Many people in the US (LGBTQ, Muslims, people of color, immigrants, etc) are feeling scared for what it means for them that so many supported this hateful platform, it’s not just that their candidate lost. We’re already seeing a spike in hate crimes attacking such people.
I think what you can do as a Norwegian is to comfort anyone that might be also feeling scared about what message that is sending out and to keep a watchful eye on this hateful rhetoric. We’re seeing the same far right extreme movements in Britain and France and who’s to say it can’t happen it Norway. I’m sorry for the long reply and it’s not meant as an accusation to anyone, I just thought maybe you wanted to know more about some of the issues and I think the advice about how to react to it in Norway is beneficial too 🙂