To par nye sko


I går fikk jeg to par nye sko fra Junkyard i posten. Nå er det jo faktisk sommerferie, så det er kanskje på tide å investere i litt sommersko. Det paret, fra Birkenstock, er perfekt til sommeren, anywhere at anytime. Og paret fra Samsøe er perfekt til sommerens fester. Begge to er også veldig behagelig å ha på. Nå har ikke jeg de mest flatterende føttene, både med blåmerker, sokkemerker (haha lol) og et lag med hvitt dun for å beskytte meg mot kulda, meen det får bare være. Vend fokuset mot skoene haha :):)

Sandaler fra Birkenstock HER 

Sko, Vanessa fra Samsøe HER 

Hvilket par likte du best?

8 kommentarer

    1. Birkenstocks look absolutly awful.
      I will never get why people all around the world wanna look like a german grandma 😀 😀

    2. All three are almost ideal : * As usual I am not sure, so for me their lower bounds are equal and upper ones are ordered according to their ages : P

    3. Oops! I made a mistake by giving you the URL to that video on May 13th without elaborating it. Let me correct myself : D
      …Okay. Though different people allocate their time differently, for me there are at least two kinds of time resources: time for those, whom I am interested in, and time for those, who are interested in me. I should allow to come and get some connection only to those interested in me women, who had been granted a big enough level of tolerance by me and who would want to spend their manna units (yeah, like in that HOMM 3 game), which I gave them. I give those units from time to time to everyone proportionally to their current level of tolerance, which is a random value as it is, but it can be described by some standard deviation for that given interval of time. One can trade that magic (!) commodity, but with some restrictions mentioned above. It would be better to do that on some Automated Trading System, I thought. You know, when someone has your manna, but he doesn’t need it, instead he needs another person’s manna, which he may obtain by optimal and lucky exchange. Unfortunately, I am not a generous person to allocate much time for such a charity, though Napoleon Hill might be right. Fortunately, there are not many people, who needs that from me…
      That connection is important to obtain an info for making much more serious decisions, I mentioned earlier. Thank you for the opportunity to correct myself, Mat : *

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